Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Great Outdoors

2- The Great Outdoors
                  Aren’t you tired of looking on your screen all day? Isn’t it A bit irritating that you keep typing on your phone or on your computer? Have you ever wondered what’s more beyond your screen? I’ve always thought of what is more to life than just sitting, looking at your screen. I know I’m missing a lot of great things in my life. Life isn’t just about being alive, life is about living. Go on a little adventure, do stuff that you thought you couldn’t accomplish, overcome your fear of something, learn more about what nature truly is because if you don’t you’re going to waste your only life in this planet. Better enjoy it while you’re still here.
Sometimes, when I get bored of playing computer or watching movies I will just go upstairs at night then look at the vast sky and see the uncountable twinkling stars above. It’s good to be away from the screen, and be relaxed and quiet for just a while. Maybe, listen to some slow tunes while you feel the strong wind blowing in your face. Forget about your problem, think of nothing else but peace and tranquility. When it rains, I let myself get wet. I mean, what could a little rain do to you? You’re not going to die just because of rain. I know I’m a bit too old to be playing in the rain but who cares? I’m just enjoying what I can do right now. I don’t care if it’s childish and you shouldn’t too. Words can’t hurt you. When it rains, all I ever see is people taking pictures of the rain. You should feel it yourself! Enjoy it! It’s one of the great things the outdoors can offer you. Don’t be ashamed, you have nothing to be ashamed off.
                  The outdoors can offer us a lot more excitement and fun than what your computer can give you. So think about it, are you going to waste your life sitting and just looking at your screen. I’ll tell you not to. You only live once so enjoy it. I’ve shown you another great thing about life. Well, don’t just sit there. Go out and enjoy your life while you can.

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