Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Blog Post 3 – Pets
                  I’d rather call them companions rather than pets. A companion you can be with all the time. Someone you can spend time with and have fun. So, have you ever thought of having a companion of your own? One you will love and take care of? Well, I’m telling you should get ready before having one. Having a companion is a tough job but at the same time worth the trouble. It’s a lot of responsibility. You have to feed them, give them a bath, and of course spend some quality time with them. You have to do this all the time from the moment you took responsibility until it grew up.
                  I have a companion, his name is rockstar. He’s a dog. I don’t know what breed he is. She was brought home by my sister. Funny thing is I’m not the one who named him. The name rockstar was given to him by his son. Now, I always feed him and spend time with him but I’m not the one who gives him a bath because it’s really hard to bathe a dog big enough to eat you. The sad thing, he’s used to be being in the third floor. He can’t get out of the house. He’s really uncontrollable. So now, he’s in a cage. The good thing is he’s not alone anymore. Recently, my eldest sister brought her daughter’s dogs here. We have a lot of dogs in the house. They all come in different sizes.
                 Dogs aren’t the only pets we have. We also have a couple of love birds. As always, I’m the one who feeds them and change their water everyday.  I feed them bird seeds, but sometimes I give them vegetables. I feel guilty because I didn’t feed last week. Then this Saturday, I looked into their cage and they’re both dead. I blame myself for such an irresponsible behavior I did. Take care of your pets if you’re planning on having one. Take it from me, I lost one of mine. Pets are loyal once you’ve gain their trust. Isn’t that a one of the best things out of life? Treasure them!

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