Tuesday, August 25, 2015

10-League Of Legends

                       There are a lot of players in the whole world. Of course, there's also a lot of variety of games chosen to be played by this gamer. I don't consider myself as a pro-player but I've played a lot of games since I was a kid and now, I'm playing one interesting game called League.

There are millions of games in the whole world but one caught my attention. That game is League of Legends. I started playing League of Legends last summer. I was only invited by my cousin to play it but then I saw how cool the game was and became addicted to it. Every once in a while me my cousin would play for atleast 3 hours a day. We even go in far places just to play.

I normally don’t like to play games like League of Legends but what caught my attention is because of the ranking system. The divisions like bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, mastery and challenger. I thought to myself, if I play this game how far can I go? And from that thought I started my career in League of Legends, playing every day to reach the maximum level in order to play ranked games. I play them every day with my friends although they’re not as good as I thought. The mechanics of the game is you’re a group of five against another group of five and destroy the enemies Nexus. The first one who destroys it is the winner. I have only 2 months before the season ends. So I’m rushing myself to get to gold division to be able to get a proper reward. I always use Morgana, my best pick champion. I enjoy playing this game. I forgot my problems even my assignments sometimes. I worry that this might be the reason I’ll fail some of my subjects but of course I won’t let that happen. There are game wherein I’m the winner but of course I also lose and it’s not something I am to be proud of. I hate it when I lose and I always tell myself to be better and be stronger. Some people say that Dota 2 is better than League of Legends. No, I don’t agree. First of all, Dota and LoL are two different games and we can’t compare them. Second, is that it was never LoL that has the flaw but the players playing it.

9-One Piece

Anime is one of the things people get addicted to. And I’m saying not just teens are addicted but also kids. I don’t see any reason why. Anime is fun to watch, very entertaining and brings color to your life. I am one of those anime addicts but I ain’t an “Otaku”. I only like to watch a couple of chosen anime and of those anime I watch is one piece.

One piece is a story of a boy who became a rubber man when he ate a devil fruit. I know it sounds silly at first, but when you watch it you’ll understand what I’m saying. Now, the name of the boy is Luffy and he started his journey as a pirate when he was still young.  The reason why he wants to sail the seas is because he wants to acquire the legendary treasure of Gol D. Roger, One Piece, and become the Pirate King. The Pirate King is a title given to the one who travels and conquers the whole Grand Line just like Gol D. Roger. As Luffy disembarks on his journey, he meets someone and convince them to join his crew. The first to ever join his crew is Zoro, a swordsman, whose goal is to become the strongest swordsman in the world. Then afterwards came Nami the Navigator, Sanji the Cook, Usopp the Sniper, Chopper the Doctor, Franky the Shipwright, Brook the Musician and lastly my favourite is Robin the Archaeologist. Each in every one of them has their individual goals just like Luffy. They encountered a lot of problems in the way and to a point they almost died but they overcome everything. Now, I’m on episode 650. They are now in the New World where enemies are very strong but of course before they sailed here. They all went to their individual training for 2 years. And when they came back, they’re a lot stronger that they we’re before. It’s funny because the one who trained Luffy is Rayleigh the Vice Captain of the former Pirate King. He taught him how to control his Haki and use it as weapon. It was all cool; he can take down enemies without having to fight. 

One Piece is a really good Anime. It also has morals in the story like Loyalty and to never give up. You should try watching it and be amazed by its story.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

8- Chivalry is dead

                  Do you believe that chivalry amongst men is dead? Before I tell you my answer let me define chivalry. Chivalry is having respect for womanly dignity and chastity. To put it simply, Chivalry is being a gentlemen. I’ll be honest, I’m not a gentleman. I’m rarely a gentleman, I only do it when I feel like doing it. I chose to talk about this topic because of what I saw today.
                  When I was going home it was almost 5 o’clock. The typical “Rush Hour” wherein it’s hard to get a ride. Luckily, I didn’t have a hard time getting on. The jeep was almost full when we started heading to C5. Along the road, we stopped and two ladies rode but there was only one room available. Then something miraculous happened. One of the men sitting beside me stood up and offered his seat for the lady. Then this thing phrase came out of my head, Chivalry isn’t dead yet after all.
                   When I thought of that phrase I already knew what I’ll talk about on my blog later. And as I write this down, I’m recalling that little scene.

7- A Surprise Visit from Old Friends

             When I was playing League of Legends today, July 26, 2015, my cousin Juliette told me that some friends of mine are looking for me. I was surprised because I wasn’t expecting anyone today. So when I went home, I saw my high school friends sitting on the couch and I was like, “What are you guys doing here?” and they said, “Nothing, just visiting you”. I was kind of happy to see them. It’s been a year since we saw each other.
              And not only that, today is also the day we celebrated by brother’s birthday. So, I let them stay for a couple of hours. I served them some food and beverages first but the party wasn’t starting yet. So, after we ate I invited them to play League of Legends with me. Another surprising thing happened, they know how to play it and we’ve play for like 3 hours. It was crazy but fun. Why is it crazy? I didn’t know they played League of Legends when we’re in 3rd year high school. Back then, I have no idea what that game is. I started playing League of Legends last summer.
               After we played, we head back home. The guests haven’t arrived yet so we waited for an hour more. The guests we’re my brother’s girlfriend’s parents. They arrived at around 5 o’clock. My friends and I we’re just sitting in the couch then one of my friends asked “Who is that beautiful girl?” Apparently, I don’t know her since that was the first time I saw her. Indeed, She is beautiful and my friend keeps on glancing at her every once in a while the whole time. Then I would laugh every time I caught him looking at her. It’s almost dark, so I asked them if they’re going home already but they said no. I served them more food and later on asked me to get some beer. I gave them some and we talked for like an hour. It was a fun and tiring day for us, so I told them to go home because it’s really late. I’ve always wanted my friends to be around. There’s never a dull moment when I’m with them. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

6-Thou Shalt Not Smoke

                              I'm not a smoker. Preventing people from smoking is something I would want to do. I have been alive in this world to know well what harm smoking can to do you. Smoking has become a habit for some people and 15 billion cigarettes are smoked everyday worldwide. Even if you're just near someone who smokes, you are also affected. I am concerned of those people who don't smoke but there are people smoking around them. Exposure to secondhand smoke causes 50,000 deaths each year in the U.S. ALONE! In my case, we have a couple of people in the house who smokes. Sadly enough, they smoke a lot. There are a lot of children in our house. I'm afraid that they too can get affected.

Not only adults are expose to smoking, even some teenagers are now into habits of smoking. Every day, 4000 teens in the U.S. alone smoke their first cigarette. Just like what I said smoking is one of the cause of deaths around the globe. More than 16 million people in america has diseased cause by smoking. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. In 2012, $9.17 billion was spent on advertising and promotion of cigarettes. Imagine if you buy necessary items instead of cigarettes. That would save up more money and save your life. Not just your life but everyone around you. You are preventing the people you care and love get diseases that would eventually cause their deaths. Don't you know that every cigarette you smoke, you lose 11 minutes of your life. So, now count how many times you smoke per day and multiply that to 11. Now you know, how much life your wasting. A single cigarette contains a lot of chemicals and some of them are the cause of cancers. Even if selling cigarettes to minors are not allowed as long as minors are allowed to smoke the number of people that'll die earlier is increasing. Another fun fact, don't you know Hitler is the one who led the first public Anti-Smoking Campaign in modern history. Who could've thought that someone like him would do this? More than a third of the world's smokers are Chinese. Good thing is 30% of cancer can be prevented by avoiding tobacco, having a healthy diet and physical activity. Smoking is even more dangerous than marijuana

Study founds that smoking, turn your hair gray faster. Would you let that happen? Do you want to die earlier? I suggest that you stop smoking not just for you but for people around you. Say "No To Smoking" 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

5-SoCSIT Student Coming Through

                           July 28, the start of the annual Hunger Games. Just joking, this particular day is the start of one of the most important events of Asia Pacific College,the SoCSIT week. This week is one of the most awaited events of SoCSIT students like me. Why? This is a week for students like me where we don't do anything for a week.Some classes where cancelled due to the events and I liked it because It was a free-stress week. I was excited because it was my first time as a freshmen to experience this event.Of course, that's not the only reason why. There are a lot more reasons like the following events that happened. First is we had the Opening Parade wherein we had a parade and got a chance to show our creative Banners. I was expecting that the parade would be very long since it's called a "parade" but it seems that my expectations brought me down since we only walked in front of the school. They also showed us the candidates for Mr. and Ms. SoCSIT. A funny thing happened that day when one of the candidates tripped and a lot of us laughed The next day, I was absent for the events like the 30 seconds Fame or Shame. I stayed home to help out.They said that 30 seconds Fame or Shame is an awesome event wherein you have to impress the audiences and the judges if not you'll be given a punishment It's a big opportunity I missed to join. My blockmates updated me of what happened that day. One of my Blockmates, Marc Nares, told me that he won Riot Points. What a really big opportunity I missed! Riot Points are used in League of Legends to buy some champions or skins.I would be able to buy a lot from that. Also I wasn't able to take the IQ test that day so I had to reschedule the next day. Thurday, my blockmates won the IT quiz and they won some prizes. Unfortunately some of us were not around. We didn't even get to participate in the Earthquake drill that happened on the same day. We still had classes at 7:30 that day because we had to perform our speeches but our Prof. released us early. And after that I went home already so I can help out in the house that's why I missed some of the events.
                   SoCSIT night is the closing event of SoCSIT week and this is also one of the events I missed for the same reason; I went home early. I didn't get to go but I'm not the only one. My blockmates also didn't go instead they went skating in Mall of Asia. While they were skating, I was up all night watching Daredevil. Even though I didn't get to join some of the events. SoCSIT was still one of the best weeks of my school life since there are no classes and we are also free of stress.