Tuesday, August 18, 2015

6-Thou Shalt Not Smoke

                              I'm not a smoker. Preventing people from smoking is something I would want to do. I have been alive in this world to know well what harm smoking can to do you. Smoking has become a habit for some people and 15 billion cigarettes are smoked everyday worldwide. Even if you're just near someone who smokes, you are also affected. I am concerned of those people who don't smoke but there are people smoking around them. Exposure to secondhand smoke causes 50,000 deaths each year in the U.S. ALONE! In my case, we have a couple of people in the house who smokes. Sadly enough, they smoke a lot. There are a lot of children in our house. I'm afraid that they too can get affected.

Not only adults are expose to smoking, even some teenagers are now into habits of smoking. Every day, 4000 teens in the U.S. alone smoke their first cigarette. Just like what I said smoking is one of the cause of deaths around the globe. More than 16 million people in america has diseased cause by smoking. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. In 2012, $9.17 billion was spent on advertising and promotion of cigarettes. Imagine if you buy necessary items instead of cigarettes. That would save up more money and save your life. Not just your life but everyone around you. You are preventing the people you care and love get diseases that would eventually cause their deaths. Don't you know that every cigarette you smoke, you lose 11 minutes of your life. So, now count how many times you smoke per day and multiply that to 11. Now you know, how much life your wasting. A single cigarette contains a lot of chemicals and some of them are the cause of cancers. Even if selling cigarettes to minors are not allowed as long as minors are allowed to smoke the number of people that'll die earlier is increasing. Another fun fact, don't you know Hitler is the one who led the first public Anti-Smoking Campaign in modern history. Who could've thought that someone like him would do this? More than a third of the world's smokers are Chinese. Good thing is 30% of cancer can be prevented by avoiding tobacco, having a healthy diet and physical activity. Smoking is even more dangerous than marijuana

Study founds that smoking, turn your hair gray faster. Would you let that happen? Do you want to die earlier? I suggest that you stop smoking not just for you but for people around you. Say "No To Smoking" 

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