Sunday, August 23, 2015

7- A Surprise Visit from Old Friends

             When I was playing League of Legends today, July 26, 2015, my cousin Juliette told me that some friends of mine are looking for me. I was surprised because I wasn’t expecting anyone today. So when I went home, I saw my high school friends sitting on the couch and I was like, “What are you guys doing here?” and they said, “Nothing, just visiting you”. I was kind of happy to see them. It’s been a year since we saw each other.
              And not only that, today is also the day we celebrated by brother’s birthday. So, I let them stay for a couple of hours. I served them some food and beverages first but the party wasn’t starting yet. So, after we ate I invited them to play League of Legends with me. Another surprising thing happened, they know how to play it and we’ve play for like 3 hours. It was crazy but fun. Why is it crazy? I didn’t know they played League of Legends when we’re in 3rd year high school. Back then, I have no idea what that game is. I started playing League of Legends last summer.
               After we played, we head back home. The guests haven’t arrived yet so we waited for an hour more. The guests we’re my brother’s girlfriend’s parents. They arrived at around 5 o’clock. My friends and I we’re just sitting in the couch then one of my friends asked “Who is that beautiful girl?” Apparently, I don’t know her since that was the first time I saw her. Indeed, She is beautiful and my friend keeps on glancing at her every once in a while the whole time. Then I would laugh every time I caught him looking at her. It’s almost dark, so I asked them if they’re going home already but they said no. I served them more food and later on asked me to get some beer. I gave them some and we talked for like an hour. It was a fun and tiring day for us, so I told them to go home because it’s really late. I’ve always wanted my friends to be around. There’s never a dull moment when I’m with them. 

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