Tuesday, August 4, 2015

5-SoCSIT Student Coming Through

                           July 28, the start of the annual Hunger Games. Just joking, this particular day is the start of one of the most important events of Asia Pacific College,the SoCSIT week. This week is one of the most awaited events of SoCSIT students like me. Why? This is a week for students like me where we don't do anything for a week.Some classes where cancelled due to the events and I liked it because It was a free-stress week. I was excited because it was my first time as a freshmen to experience this event.Of course, that's not the only reason why. There are a lot more reasons like the following events that happened. First is we had the Opening Parade wherein we had a parade and got a chance to show our creative Banners. I was expecting that the parade would be very long since it's called a "parade" but it seems that my expectations brought me down since we only walked in front of the school. They also showed us the candidates for Mr. and Ms. SoCSIT. A funny thing happened that day when one of the candidates tripped and a lot of us laughed The next day, I was absent for the events like the 30 seconds Fame or Shame. I stayed home to help out.They said that 30 seconds Fame or Shame is an awesome event wherein you have to impress the audiences and the judges if not you'll be given a punishment It's a big opportunity I missed to join. My blockmates updated me of what happened that day. One of my Blockmates, Marc Nares, told me that he won Riot Points. What a really big opportunity I missed! Riot Points are used in League of Legends to buy some champions or skins.I would be able to buy a lot from that. Also I wasn't able to take the IQ test that day so I had to reschedule the next day. Thurday, my blockmates won the IT quiz and they won some prizes. Unfortunately some of us were not around. We didn't even get to participate in the Earthquake drill that happened on the same day. We still had classes at 7:30 that day because we had to perform our speeches but our Prof. released us early. And after that I went home already so I can help out in the house that's why I missed some of the events.
                   SoCSIT night is the closing event of SoCSIT week and this is also one of the events I missed for the same reason; I went home early. I didn't get to go but I'm not the only one. My blockmates also didn't go instead they went skating in Mall of Asia. While they were skating, I was up all night watching Daredevil. Even though I didn't get to join some of the events. SoCSIT was still one of the best weeks of my school life since there are no classes and we are also free of stress.

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