Sunday, August 23, 2015

8- Chivalry is dead

                  Do you believe that chivalry amongst men is dead? Before I tell you my answer let me define chivalry. Chivalry is having respect for womanly dignity and chastity. To put it simply, Chivalry is being a gentlemen. I’ll be honest, I’m not a gentleman. I’m rarely a gentleman, I only do it when I feel like doing it. I chose to talk about this topic because of what I saw today.
                  When I was going home it was almost 5 o’clock. The typical “Rush Hour” wherein it’s hard to get a ride. Luckily, I didn’t have a hard time getting on. The jeep was almost full when we started heading to C5. Along the road, we stopped and two ladies rode but there was only one room available. Then something miraculous happened. One of the men sitting beside me stood up and offered his seat for the lady. Then this thing phrase came out of my head, Chivalry isn’t dead yet after all.
                   When I thought of that phrase I already knew what I’ll talk about on my blog later. And as I write this down, I’m recalling that little scene.


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